Student Leadership
Year 6 Leaders
Leadership roles are highly sought after by our senior school students. To obtain a leadership role, students are required to prepare and present a speech that demonstrates their suitability for the role and exemplifies their commitment to representing our school values at all times.
Year 6 students have the opportunity to nominate themselves for a range of leadership roles, including:
School Captains
Each year, three students are elected by their peers to represent our school as School Captains. These students are excellent role models for all students, and have many responsibilities including; running school assemblies, meeting our Principal and other leadership staff regularly to discuss student concerns and/or give feedback, acting as co-presidents of our Junior School Council, communicating with our school community and running our school canteen and pop-up stalls, such as Mother’s/Father’s Day stalls.
House Captains
Every year, two students in each house (Jacaranda, Acacia, Waratah and Kurrajong) are elected by their peers to represent their house as a House Captain. These students are responsible for assisting School Captains to facilitate assembly, running our sports equipment borrowing system for F-6, setting up for Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 sport every week, assisting junior students during tabloid and house sports, and promoting positive behaviour to earn house points, which accumulate towards our annual house cup award at the end of the year.
Specialist Captains
At the beginning of each year, students are selected to be Media Arts, Visual Arts, Visual Arts (Gala), Performing Arts, Physical Education, Mandarin and German Captains. These students assist specialist teachers by helping with whole school events, providing feedback on programs, presenting specialist awards at assemblies and supporting younger students.
Academic Captains
As with all leadership positions, students are selected to be Literacy, Numeracy, Science and ICT Captains each year. These students assist Learning Specialists (teachers) by helping with whole school events, supporting younger students (for example lunchtime reading programs), helping with resourcing and organising spaces such as our school library, science room and STEAM hub, promoting participation in competitions/challenges, contributing to our school newsletter and assisting with displays around the school.
Ancillary Captains
Rounding out our Year 6 leadership program, students are selected to be Administration, Assembly and Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) Captains, and Principals’ Assistants at the beginning of each year. These students assist our principal team, office staff and teaching teams, where required, provide support to coordinate whole school events such as photo day and transition day, support our Foundation students with their PMP, help with assemblies and provide general assistance to everyone here at school.

Year 5 Leaders
Our Year 5 students have the opportunity to nominate themselves for:
Kirrip Mediator
These students work in groups of three in our junior playground area, to support Foundation and Year 1 students with developing, strengthening and expanding friendships, communication and conflict resolution skills, learning new games, finding lost items and locating a yard duty teacher where necessary. Our Year 5 Kirrip Mediators complete training sessions and a ‘handover shift’ with previous Kirrip Mediators before starting their role, so they feel confident and empowered to assist our junior students.
Wellbeing Dog Leader
Working in groups of three, our Wellbeing Leader and other teachers to support our school wellbeing dogs, Daisy and Charlie. Their roles include walking Daisy/Charlie to and from classrooms, walking Daisy/Charlie during break times, ensuring Daisy/Charlie have access to clean water at all times, educating other students about Daisy/Charlie, playing with Daisy/Charlie, reading to Daisy/Charlie, writing updates about Daisy & Charlie for The Living News, training Daisy/Charlie and checking Daisy/Charlie’s letterbox.
Year 4 Leaders
Our Year 4 students have the opportunity to nominate themselves to be a Chicken Monitor. With the support of our Sustainability Leaders and other teachers, chicken monitors are responsible for ensuring the comfort of our school chickens by collecting eggs, making sure our chickens have food and water, cleaning the chicken coop, creating stimulating activities for our chickens, writing updates for The Living News and educating other students about our chickens.

Year 3 Leaders
Our Year 3 students are provided the opportunity to nominate themselves to be a member of the Green Team. The Green Team, led by our Green Team Leader, are responsible for our school vegetable garden, composting system and other whole school sustainability projects, for example, tree planting and our school vertical garden. Students volunteer their lunch breaks to weed, water, harvest, plant and tidy our gardens, and monitor and attend to our composting systems.